WIL for Sherine Smith
WIL is pleased to announce its endorsement of Sherine Smith for Orange County Board of Education, District 5, in the 2022 election.
Sherine’s long career in education here in Orange County, as a teacher and administrator, gives her unique insight into the issues and challenges the OCBE addresses. Passionate, selfless, and dedicated, Sherine will work to build the best platform for giving all Orange County students access to an enriching education.
School boards across the country have been politicized in recent years, and Orange County is no exception. Having served as a teacher/mentor at all levels and a principal at several schools, Sherine will use her collaborative and leadership skills to keep the board focused on advocating for Orange County youth.
We are proud to be early supporters of Sherine’s campaign and encourage our members to do the same!
Statement from Sherine Smith:
"I am grateful to have gained the support and endorsement of Women in Leadership. As a former superintendent, high school and middle school principal, and teacher, I am well-prepared to serve on the Orange County Board of Education.
The current majority has wasted over $4 million in taxpayer funds on frivolous lawsuits since 2017. Prior to 2017, next to nothing was spent on lawsuits by the OCBE. The most recent lawsuit, filed against Governor Newsom's orders to protect kids and families, was just rejected by the California Supreme Court.
It is time for the Orange County Board of Education to be accountable for its reckless and irresponsible behavior. I hope you will donate to my campaign and help me restore integrity to the Orange County Board of Education."
Paid for by Women in Leadership (www.womeninleadership.com) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
April 2021
You won't want to miss this! An exclusive Zoom event with Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, who's going to tell WIL members all about what's happening with the ERA and in the Halls of Congress in general. Invitations will be sent out soon. If you're not yet receiving WIL emails, be sure to click here to sign up and share the news with your like-minded friends!
In case you missed MARCH 10: A conversation with WIL-endorsed mayors about their journeys and their successes.
Self-determination floats my boat
I believe in equality for all people, and for Americans to realize the degree of economic, intellectual, and emotional freedom our Constitution affords, we must also hold full control over our own bodies.
Technology consultant with expertise in local area networks, cloud-based data backup, and remote support.