Electing Women since 1993 Banner

Welcome to WIL!

Please join Women in Leadership as we continue to fight together for women’s reproductive freedom. WIL is needed now more than ever!

The role of WIL today, as it was in 1993, is to elect dynamic women who are dedicated to keeping access to full reproductive rights. In 1993, we truly believed that by the mid 2020s, it would be politically acceptable for a politician to support reproductive rights, education and healthcare. But we were wrong.

Who We Are

Women In Leadership is a bipartisan Political Action Committee formed in 1993 for the purpose of electing women candidates to local, regional and state-wide office who are dedicated to keeping access to full reproductive rights. We provide funds to candidates who believe that ensuring access to reproductive education and healthcare is essential to safeguarding rights for all women.

We support women running for office who will be strong advocates for reproductive freedom. WIL women speak up and stand up for reproductive rights. WIL supports candidates running for any office that Orange County residents vote on – from local city councils and school boards to California State Legislature and United States Congress. The candidates we support will help to improve the lives of women -- locally, statewide, and nationally.

WIL is completely run by volunteers, so almost all the money raised from membership fees goes to provide our endorsed candidates the ability to win. We have a vigorous candidate endorsement process including a lengthy questionnaire and in-person interview. Candidates who value reproductive freedom seek out WIL for an important endorsement and contributions. In the 2020 and 2022 cycles, WIL and its members provided well over $200,000 to endorsed candidates.

Our Mission

To provide early campaign funds directly to women candidates who share WIL’s commitment to reproductive choice and freedom. To provide a forum for these candidates to reach out to potential supporters through luncheons, forums and other WIL-sponsored events.

Get Involved

Become a Member - Your membership dues go directly to supporting the campaigns where our financial support will have the most impact. Visit our Membership page for more information.

Attend a WIL Event - Visit the Events page or WIL’s Facebook page for details on upcoming events, in addition to links to our endorsed candidates’ information and functions.


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